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[ISH2010]脂肪组织与肾素血管紧张素系统——L. A. Cassis教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/11 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:脂肪组织 肾素血管紧张素系统 L. A. Cassis 

    <International Circulation>:Can you tell us the difference and the clinical significance of the RAS in both the cardiovascular system and the adipose tissue? Can you discuss some of your work in that area?


    Prof. Cassis:The major goal of my laboratory is to try to take out the different components of the RAS, specifically adipocytes to try to resolve, at least experimentally, that very question. Is the adipose tissue a contributor to the production of angiotensin, especially in the setting of obesity where there is expanded adipose mass? Does the adipose tissue respond to angiotensin, and if so, what does it do and is it altered in obesity hypertension. Those are the major questions but clinically there is conflicting evidence. In obesity hypertension there seems to be uniform data that the RAS is activated but the question is what the contribution of the adipose tissue is, which is more difficult to resolve. 


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