

作者:国际循环网   日期:2015/1/15 17:01:17




  Gregg W. Stone    哥伦比亚大学医学中心



  As we know, surgery has never been shown to be of major advantage for functional mitral regurgitation. Thus, medical therapy, conservative care or sometimes cardiac resynchronization therapy are the standard of care. In recent years, transcatheter valve therapy has seen rapid growth and development. The new technology known as MitraClip provides a new treatment approach for functional mitral regurgitation. In a series of several hundred patients, the MitraClip looks like it can make patients feel better, promotes negative remodeling of the left ventricle, (i.e. enhances the contraction of the ventricle) and decreases the hospitalization rate. All these results indicate that it is favorable and promising. The only problem is that there are still no randomized trials looking at MitraClip. Therefore, we need to carry out such trials to further confirm its effectiveness and advantages to provide evidence for whether we should uniformly apply this new technology to the hundreds-of-thousands of patients with functional mitral regurgitation. The ongoing COAPT trial will bring new evidence for us in the future.

版面编辑:聂会珍  责任编辑:宋娜娜


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