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[ISH2010]肾功能不全高血压患者的治疗策略——Juliana Chan教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/11 15:52:10    加入收藏
 关键字:肾功能不全 高血压 治疗策略 蛋白尿 依从性 

    <International Circulation>:  In patients with renal insufficiency with a creatinine of around 265umol/L where there are different types of antihypertensive drugs which can be used but not including and ACE inhibitor or an ARB. In patients with a blood pressure that is difficult to bring under control what in your experience is the best way to treat the patient in this situation?

    Prof Juliana Chan: In my experience, for these patients you have to really make an effort to check their compliance, especially if they are taking 3 or 4 drugs, that they are following through the orders you are giving them.  Poor blood pressure control may be due to non compliance and many patients are unwilling to tell you that they are not taking their drugs.  In my experience if these patients have mild renal impairment usually the use of an ACE inhibitor and a CCB usually does the job quite well.  I prefer this combination because they are more neutral on lipid and glucose metabolism because if you give high dose diuretics may have side effects such as reduced potassium levels which in turn may worsen glucose and lipid control. This may also precipitate doubts which patients are prone to. But, when patients start to have significant renal impairment then water retention becomes a big issue and I think these patients will benefit from the administration of Lasix (furosemide). Furthermore, we have to restrict the patients salt intake which is easier said than done. If required,  we could also add additional medications to the patients treatment regimen such as alpha or beta-blockers.  Many of these challenging patients are either obese or overweight and maybe low doses of an aldosterone antagonist may also be useful but you must pay close attention to potassium levels especially in those with renal impairment.  All in all obese patients with moderate renal impairment and difficult to control blood pressure requires both pharmacological intervention and lifestyle changes starting with restrictions in salt intake.


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