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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/11 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:妊娠高血压 ACE抑制剂 治疗策略 L.Magee教授 

    <International Circulation>:Are there any sensitive early predictors for the diagnosis of pregnancy hypertension syndrome?


    Prof.L.Magee:There has been an active search for the prediction of preeclampsia. At the moment, there is enthusiasm for multivariable models that incorporate various serum markers +/- ultrasonographic tests such as uterine artery dopplers to predict which women will develop preeclampsia. There are some promising results for these multivariable approaches but they are not yet in clinical practice. I think that it makes sense that is going to require a multivariable approach because there are so many things that can cause preeclampsia that is really just a syndrome and so we need to have a number of ways of measuring that risk.


    <International Circulation>:Thank you professor Magee.


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