[西京会2014]中外共话心房颤动新进展——Win K. Shen访谈
编者按:在2014 西安国际心血管病论坛暨第十九届西京-Mayo Clinic心血管病学新进展研讨会召开期间,《国际循环》报道团队有幸采访到大会主席、美国Mayo Clinic医学院Win K. Shen教授,请他介绍大会呈现的热点话题。
International Circulation: What is your favorite part of the conference?
Dr. Shen: My favorite really part of the conference is really that looking at the growth of the knowledge of the information in Xijing Hospital as well as in China since I come to China very often in the last 20 years. There has been tremendous growth and I think enthusiasm and excitement that physicians are so engaged, both in clinical care and investigations and science, and then education. This is really exciting and my favorite part of the meeting that in addition to the sciences that I just reviewed, it is really looking at the participants and how much they are engaged in the conference and interactions and questions and answers, those are to me the most exciting.
International Circulation : There is a lot of growth in every part in China. Medicine is a big part of that, it is exciting to be here and be involved in that.
Dr. Shen: Absolutely. We have been fortunate.