[ESC2013]联合治疗中单片复方制剂的降压优势——Giuseppe Mancia教授专访

国际循环 2013/9/16 16:08:16

  Giuseppe Mancia教授  意大利米兰比可卡大学

  <International Circulation>: There are many issues about the latest European hypertension guidelines on the ESC congress. Compared with the previous guidelines, what would you like to tell readers about the update of combination therapy?

  Prof. Mancia: Well, I think one important thing to highlight is confirmation, because already in the 2007 guidelines, it was said that combination treatment is extremely important for the treatment of hypertension, because blood pressure reduction can be much greater with the combination of two drugs as compared to mono-therapy, for a variety of reasons, including the fact that several factors are involved, and mechanisms are involved in the blood pressure elevation and the more mechanisms one can recruit, the greater the chance for blood pressure to be controlled. So confirmation is important.

  Of course, there are some differences in terms of which combinations should be preferred. Guidelines emphasize that only a few studies look at the combination in a randomized trial fashion. Most studies randomization involved just the first step, mono-therapy, and then the other combinations were just added. What has been done has been to look at the combinations that have been successfully used in successful trials. So, this has resulted in an update of the very famous geometrical figures. They are, what are called preferred combinations, and mainly they are a blocker of the rennin angiotensin system together with the diuretic or calcium channel blocker. But even a calcium channel blocker and a diuretic have been used as a combination in a number of trials. And then there are combinations that can be used, but are of less priority. One of them is, for example, the old time combination of the diuretic and the beta blocker, which has been used in many trials, but of course is not given priority because of the increased risk of developing diabetes. And then another combination, which is not to be preferred, is a double blockade of the system, an ACE inhibitor together with a angiotensin receptor blocker, or a renal inhibitor together with a ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker. So, a revised version of the geometrical figure.




  <International Circulation>: Hypertension, with mono-therapy, is often difficult for effective blood pressure control. Usually, again, combination therapy is used, but this can lead to difficulty with medical compliance, which again, is one reason why incidence of hypertension remains high. So, how would you opine in terms of effectively improving patients’ compliance?

  Prof. Mancia: That’s very difficult, of course. First of all, it is difficult for the individual physician, in clinical practice, to know which is the adherence of the patient to treatment. There are not good means to detect adherence or non-adherence in clinical practice: pill counting, questioning the patient, psychological profile of the patient. Of course, doctor-physician experience can help, but sometimes one can make bad mistakes.

  Secondly, how to improve adherence. There are no clear recipes, unfortunately. What is clear, however, that a factor of paramount importance is a good physician-patient relationship. If there is a good relationship, then patients probably are more likely to take drugs. A good relation means, however, that the physician is involved in a greater amount of work, because he has to talk to the patient, see the patient often, to be a good psychologist, know about the patient without interfering with his or her privacy. So many many subtle things, which are not easy in daily life practice, are really qualities of good physicians, and require work, because the patient cannot be left alone, in a way.



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